Thursday, April 9, 2015

Make your Event a Success!

I have been partnering with vendors and business owners for several years now and one thing that I noticed is that sometimes they want to get their company name out there but they don’t know how. I offer them the opportunity to host a lunch at my community each Friday. This event gives them the chance to educate and get to know our residents on how their service may benefit them. Believe it or not, many show up to my community with lunch in hand and not one brochure, business card or any marketing materials what so ever. Of course it is nice to provide my residents with a free lunch but that’s not my goal. My goal is to provide my residents with not only a lunch but to educate them on the local businesses or health care providers in the area and what they have to offer. I also work together with them for referrals by providing them with a gift bag full of fliers, brochures and marketing items. So in order to help my fellow business managers I came up with some tips to help make their event with us a success:
Tips to Make Your Event at XYZ Community a Success!
1. Create a flier in advance so that the staff can distribute to the residents to start a buzz.
2. Make sure to be on time. The residents build trust from the first day that they meet you.
3. Give a short presentation to educate the residents on you and your service.
4. Make it interactive by having questions and answers at the end.
5. Walk around during the luncheon and talk to the residents individually.
6. Bring fliers, brochures and marketing materials to the luncheon.
7. Have a raffle so that everyone is insured to stay till the end.

8. Have a contest to see who was paying attention and make it fun. Give out candy bars for correct answers.
9. Stop by days before or a week before and confirm your event date and see how many have signed up.
10. Keep in touch. The more the residents see you and get to know you the more they will think of you when they need your type of service.

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