Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Keep the Creative Juices Flowing!

In our business it’s very easy to get into a rut. In order to market effectively you must come up with fresh ideas on a daily basis. Easier said then done right? In my experience you must do certain things to “keep those creative juices flowing” Just like you go to the gym to work out your body you must work out the creative side of your brain so that you can continue to come up with great ideas in marketing. Since we have an office job the first thing you have to do is get out from behind that desk and away from those four walls. If you are in a slump or at a loss for ideas start by going for a walk around your community. Get some fresh air! This helps clear your mind of all of the things that may be blocking your creative flow. Here are a list of things to do to get your creative work out:
1. Start with that walk. Take a bicycle ride or a drive. If you are really stressed out take a day off. Sometimes over working yourself can cause burn out.
2. Go to a seminar. Education can be very inspiring!
3. Take an art class, craft class or just buy some paints and crafts and craft or paint at home
4.  Spend some time with a child. Children can bring out your spontaneous side.
5. Go to free expos around town. Entrepreneurs have tons of energy to feed off of.
6. Try a networking event. Meeting new people and bouncing ideas off of someone can be very helpful.
7. Stop at the library and check out a book. It could be a book on marketing to help you find new ideas or just a book to take you away for a while.
8. Have coffee with a friend. It could be a friend in the industry to see what types of marketing works for them or a friend that you can just relax with.
9. Go to a museum. Spend the day taking in art or history. This is a great way to get close to other innovators and get inspired by how they over came their daily struggles.
10. Last but not least go dancing or take a dance class. Getting your body moving can do wonders for your brain!

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