Friday, April 10, 2015

Back to School

If you are a community that is near a school and your demographic is mostly families with children now is the time to start thinking about back to school. You will need to lease up before August when the kids go back to school. By then parents are already settled in their new homes and will not consider moving until the following year. If you want to capture those families now is the time to act. Send out a direct mailer to your target communities or homes with the back to school theme. If you do not have it in your budget to do a direct mailer create a flier that states what schools you are near or what school district you’re in. Create a sense of urgency by creating a special that ends on the first day of school. Encourage the parents to move into your community now so they can enjoy their summer! Let the parents know that your community has many great amenities and fun activities that focus on children. If you’re near a high school inquire about putting up a banner on their football field. Practice starts way before school begins. Offer to donate water to the practice field with your labels on them. Or hand them out to parents in the stands. Offer to sponsor a team. Many of these sports events start creating their t-shirts etc. during the summer months so that they are ready when football season begins. Offer to sponsor a softball team. See if you can be apart of Open House for parents. Get involved with the schools in your area. Advertise in the school newspapers. Get to know the parents at your community and see if maybe they can introduce you to one of the teachers or staff members that can help you in your marketing efforts. Go to the Community Rec Centers in your area and leave fliers or coloring pages for the smaller kids with your logo and contact information on them. See if you can put up a banner there. Parents will be dropping off their kids to the community pool or play area and will see it. Approach the area day cares and see if you can drop off coloring pages or maybe you can donate juice boxes with your labels on them. Use the summer to set the ground work for the school year. Create relationships now and create a sense of urgency to move into your community before “Back to School”

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